Another week closer to our move-in date and a few things have happened in the last seven days. The sheetrock upstairs is completely finished! We took our 3-year-old over there the other day and he could actually see what his bedroom will look like. He just kept saying “wow” over and over. He loved his future playroom too, which has a secret room on one side.
Here’s our front porch, without the front door, of course, which is in the works. Who knows, maybe we’ll just keep the plywood. It seems to do the job and would be excessively cheaper. The arched window on the right is our dining room. The copper over our porch will turn over time. I just learned that you can seal it if you want to keep the shiny copper look but we opted not to go that route (and we saved quite a bit of money with that decision).
This is the window over my bathtub (no peeping Toms, please!). Since I took this photo a couple of days ago, the green cedar shingle siding by Shakertown is completely installed on this side (how much do the DuPont Tyvek people pay to delay the installation of the siding?). I like the combo of the Eldorado Stone, siding and dark brown Pella windows. The stone was modeled after that of our favorite hotel in Laguna Beach, California (where my father-in-law lives), the Montage Resort & Spa. I hope we can go back there one day and stay a week or three!
A view of our soon-to-be screened-in porch. I’ve always wanted a screen porch, and this one has a fireplace, where we plan to have lots of marshmallow roasts and story telling with our kids. Our roof is a clay tile by Ludowici that looks very similar to slate.
This is a sliding glass door leading into our bedroom. A patio will be poured (it will extend to the right from the current patio) where you see the rubble, which I suppose will be buried underneath, along with candy bar wrappers and other lovely items the workers leave us on a regular basis. I think I’ll enjoy going out there to catch a few rays from time to time!
Finally, here’s the roof line over our back porch. And our blue chimney, which will soon be covered in stone. For the longest time our entire roof was this color and I have to admit that I grew quite fond of it. Not sure why we couldn’t just have a turquoise roof. It sure would come in handy during a blizzard.